How to Troubleshoot and Fix Microsoft Word Printing Issues

The image shows a black printer and laptop which displays a window for restarting the program or waiting for the program to respond. The image is titled- How to Troubleshoot and Fix Microsoft Word Printing Issues

Microsoft Word is the most common word processor used, but once in a while you suffer problems in printing with them. It could be your document printing wrongly in Microsoft Word or the printer will not print on any document. These could reduce your work productivity. In this blog post, we will take you through some of the common causes of printing issues and give you practical solutions with the help of how to troubleshoot and fix it.

1. Check Printer Connectivity

Check first if your printer is connected properly to your computer or network for the very first thing when having Microsoft Word printing problems. You could be having a wired printer; ensure that you have connected it properly to your computer or to your router. For wireless printers, ensure whether they are on the correct network.


Connect your printer

For wireless, check the printer connection first by using the USB or Ethernet in case it is a wired printer. Then print the test page with settings and the control panel at the wireless to confirm its Wi-Fi is on. And see if it is on the same network as from where the printer is connected.

By confirming your connection, there will be a lower chance of causing simple connectivity faults that would restrict Microsoft Word printing issues.

2. Verify Printer Settings in Microsoft Word

Printer settings in Microsoft Word are another more common cause for your Word document not printing properly. Ensure that page setup for your document matches the paper size and orientation set on the printer.


Open the Word document, then click on the File tab and then click on the dropdown for Print

Select the correct printer from the list of printers.

Click on the Page Layout tab to check if it is either portrait or landscape and if the correct paper size is selected

Preview print by checking what your document will look like on paper by making use of the Print Preview option

If this is not the case, switch over to fit size and orientation on the paper with a change of setting.

Incorrect printer settings ensure prevention of bad prints, so aligning prevents most problems, which will fix Microsoft Word Print.


3. Update Or Reinstall printer Drivers

One of the most common causes of problems in printing is outdated and corrupted printer drivers. If the printer drivers are outdated, then it will not communicate between the computer and the printer, which creates a problem in printing from Microsoft Word.


Go to the manufacturer’s website and download the latest drivers according to your model.

Install the drivers and restart your computer.

– If the above does not solve the problem, then delete the installed drivers and install the latest version from the website of the printer manufacturer.

Upgrade or reinstall drivers so that your printer works just fine with your operating system and Microsoft Word.

4. Clear the Print Queue

This can impact Microsoft Word to print your document correctly in case the print queue has paper jammed inside or printing incomplete jobs. A clogged print queue slows down your printer or even misses a few printing jobs.


Open your computer’s settings for Devices and Printers.

Click on your printer and right-click it. Then, select See what’s printing.

Select all stuck or pending print jobs in the queue and cancel them.

Try printing your document and rebooting the computer.

All pending or incomplete print jobs would get deleted from the printing queue, which means all the issues would be solved, so your Microsoft Word printing problem is solved.

5. Change Printer Preferences

The problem with Microsoft Word printing might lie in some wrong preference that has been set into the printer configuration for quality, color, or copies.


Open the Properties or Preferences menu for your printer from the Print window in Word.

Make sure that the print settings, such as print quality, paper type, and color, are set to print your document correctly.

If you are unsure, reset the printer preferences to the default settings.

The correct print preferences ensure your Word document will print just like you want it to without any unwelcome surprises.

6. Software Conflicts

Sometimes, it may conflict with other software like antivirus programs or firewall settings, which may cause difficulties while printing. Conflicts might hinder some of the printer functions and hence may cause printing problems in Microsoft Word.


Turn off your antivirus or firewall for a moment and try to print. If it works, then add your printer and Microsoft Word to the trusted applications list of your antivirus or firewall.

– Now, once all that is done, turn on your antivirus or firewall.

Conflict solving software issues may guarantee your printer prints fine using Microsoft Word.

7. Printer Reset

If the above solutions don’t work, a printer reset could be the final answer to chronic problems while printing from Microsoft Word.

Solution: Shut off your printer and unplug it for 30 seconds before plugging it back in and turning on the printer.

Try to print the document again and see if the problem is solved.

Resets Your printer clears internal errors and returns it to its default setting in most cases, which will rectify the printing problem with regards to Microsoft Word.


One of the common problems observed with Microsoft Word printing involves sometimes needing trial-and-error to solve. Some of the above step-by-step procedures, as shown below, might help solve most of the printing problems; they include checking the connection of the printer, selecting the correct printer settings, updating drivers, removing the print queue, changing preferences, solving application conflicts, or restarting the printer.

Contact the manufacturer of your printer or Microsoft helpdesk if the problem is not over by now.

For more information on how to troubleshoot and fix printer problems, visit this website:https://printernotworking.com/.

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